About The Platform
Finding talent, human-style
Don’t depend on robots to choose your talent. They don’t know people. We do.
A.I. can only do so much
No Free Agent or Company is published on our platform until personally vetted. You get to talk to real, qualified leaders.
Why would you let robots choose who you hire if you're not hiring robots?
Most talent databases perform little to no screening of their candidates, nor provide support and oversight to ensure ongoing value for their members.
Our Free Agent Exchange is designed to foster trusted relationships with our candidates and clients.
How it works...
Once a candidate or company leader creates their initial, private profile, we have in-depth conversations with each exchange member on subjects such as:
- Who they are, how they work, what they’re about
- What they’re looking for and why
- What they’ve done
- Salary requirements
- Specific goals
- Long term vision
We then follow through with our own legwork, part of our proven method to promote high-quality matches based on experience, goals, and cultural alignment.
Next, the profile is published, and the new member can expand on their details and story.
We provide support along the way to help everyone craft their profile in a way that will encourage the best matches according to their goals, experience and style.
Members can contact one another for conversations, questions, and mutual support and enjoy exclusive content available only in the exchange.
Free Agents
You can join the platform at no charge. Once vetted, you can review positions and interact with peers.
Best for Independent Consultants Looking to Expand their Reach…
Join the platform, start sourcing executive consultants or inquire about our headhunting services.
Best for Growth Companies Looking to Accelerate Results…