Founders, Presidents and CEO’s- what does the term fractional availability mean to you as it pertains to business and the Gig economy? Is it specific to a discipline, industry and vertical, or is it simply another ambiguously worthless business term? What application is it best used for? Is it applicable to small and/or growing companies only, medium-side businesses, or the enterprise? The answer- it can really be what you want it to be and the application or timing is totally up to you.
Fractional availability is what you make of it and can be applied how YOU want to apply it. Additionally, it’s not just for small or growing businesses, but has a usage for companies small to large and is being utilized with a ubiquity you likely didn’t realize…
Contract labor has been around for eons. Fractional availability, as it pertains to contract labor, has too – (think- lawyers, accountants, technologists, the seasonal workforce, board-members, or anyone else not working a typical 40 hours per week, etc…). The aforementioned workers are not perpetually on your books and their services are generally consumed when needed. The only difference now is that people finally understand the application doesn’t have to fit in with traditional norms. The Internet, alongside the millennial’s interest in changing the workforce landscape, has provided these “Free Agents” with a platform to more effectively sell their goods and services, allowing them to break free of social norms. If you are not utilizing Free Agents (in any capacity, fractionally or otherwise), you are likely missing out on a multitude of ways to get better results all while saving time and money.
Say goodbye to the days of overly hyped and expensive full-time employees. Now you can pinpoint and outsource the specific personnel pieces you are missing, in the needed time allotments, by utilizing independent consultants. Free Agents can allow you to streamline operations, providing the opportunity to spend more time and money on the items that make the most sense for you and your business.
Imagine the possibilities…
- You could outsource the sales leadership and/or operations portion of your business
- You could hire a content or digital marketer to help increase your brand awareness
- You could bring on a DevOps expert to help you create a DevOps strategy that fits your company’s specific needs and goals
- You could focus your efforts on Customer Experience by bringing on an expert to ensure you are headed in the right direction
- You could ensure your enterprise is protected by utilizing a virtual CISO
- You could outsource the entirety of your financials to a virtual or fractionally available CFO
- You could outsource your legal representation to a firm, like most of you do already
The aforementioned examples are simply a taste of the possibilities that are out there. Most of which can be more cost effective in the long run and provide you with quicker results when time and money are of the essence. Your imagination is the only limitation on what’s possible with Free Agents…
About the Free Agent- The Free Agent utilizes a vetted bench of battle-tested experts that work directly with technology companies in hyper-growth. Simply put, we provide the right strategic experts at precisely the right time in order to accelerate results. If you are interested in learning more, or joining our vetted and curated team, please do not hesitate to reach out: We live and breathe the gig economy.
Article by:
Beau Billington- the founder of the Free Agent, a consulting company immersed in the strategic-layer of the Gig Economy-